It is in response to our mission statement that the Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women provides many avenues of leadership and personal development for our members. The PBD Leadership Training team is available to conduct workshops at your affiliation and will schedule to fit the needs of your membership.
Get you CCW on the right path! Schedule an individualized session for you affiliation board, committees, or general membership on topics as Leadership, Spirituality, Service, parliamentary procedure, Image, Public Relations, Mentoring, Marketing and much more.
Each affiliation is invited and encouraged to take advantage of this Diocesan program as an opportunity to learn and grow in Council. An affiliation may schedule a workshop for their general membership or their officers and committee chairmen. The workshops will vary in focus and length, according to your requests.
Each workshop will be customized to meet the needs of the affiliation. Workshops will focus on the diocesan committee structure in the areas of: LEADERSHIP, SPIRITUALITY, and SERVICE; and can include such topics as Mentoring, Image, Public relations, Parliamentary Procedure and many more.
Leadership Training also includes workshops, speakers, showcases, seminars, NCCW Institutes and more provided through Council Enrichment Grants (CEGS). Grants are funded through proceeds from basket donation drawings associated with the annual Inspirations Fashion Show. More than $25,000 in grants has been awarded to members during past years. Applications are available to all members through their deanery.
Grants are typically awarded yearly at PBDCCW Annual Meeting/convention; and are based on a member’s contribution and participation in Council. The amount awarded is determined by the available funds and particular training decided upon by the committee. Selection committee includes the diocesan president, the deanery presidents and the leadership committee chair. For more information please contact Diane Ramos at [email protected].